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Accomodations, hotel, B&B etc
We are looking to organize the booking of accommodations for our guests. To be able to do so, we need to know who is planning to come and when. Therefore, we will get back to you after the RSVP finale date so do not book any accommodation on your own :) We will get back to you!
Price will be around 50 to 75€/pers/night.
Accommodation is paid in full by the guests.
Guest cost simulation:
Flight tickets: 270€
Norwegian 25/7, Stockholm > Oslo > Bordeaux
KLM 28/7, Bordeaux > AMS > Stockholm
Possible rental car: 200€
Friday & Saturday breakfast: 14€
Saturday lunch: 15€
Accommodation: 50€/night/pers x 3 =150€
Wine Yard visit (if you want to attend): 75€
Thursday dinner (if you want to attend): 25€
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